There are angels among us! And one of them protected my precious Munchkin Two from serious harm. She was sitting in the front seat holding a birthday present wrapped in blue. We were on our way to the mall for a bowling birthday party for one of her classmates. As we rounded a corner turning to the left another tram came from the opposite way on its tracks. I was standing right next to Munchkin Two as she sat. Then I heard a hit and pop! The driver's rear view mirror of the other tram hit this window, right above Munchkins head. Both trams stopped and time stood still. Munchkin Two screamed. I was holding the heavy window frame in my left hand as i gently moved her. No one had noticed a precious child was sitting there. Once they heard her scream every lady on the tram came up to us, speaking to us. All I could do was look up and say in Russian "I do not understand Russian." One very kind lady grabbed my trolley and the blue package while I tended to Munchkin. She came away without a scratch! Not one drop of blood. The ladies were concerned for Munchkin. I got down and inspected her more thoroughly and told them she was fine. Then they walked away and left us. I had no idea what to do or where to go. Do I go home or continue on? On the outside I was calm on the inside I was crumbling. I called the Mr. He did not answer. I needed to know what tram to get on to continue on the mall. I walked to the nearest tram stop, read the sign and asked a man, in Russian, if he spoke English. He confirmed my tram number and location. I had read the sign correctly! In true Russian form, munchkin Two and I got into a new tram and soldiered on, ending at our destination cold like Popsicles. This poor child! If she isn't traumatized by the elevators, wild dogs staring at her in the face, slipping on ice, or tram accidents it is something else.

She was scared. I was scared, but we did it, in Russian no less!
And we thank her Guardian Angel for protecting our precious babe. He/she has been working overtime since our arrival!
1 comment:
Glad to hear you are both OK. Now, say it with me: 'Blog fodder, blog fodder, blog fodder...' Because there must be SOME benefit to all of this, surely? ;)
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