Saturday, May 18, 2013


This is why I love this place......the weather.

Ironic isn't it? Freezing cold, snow piled miles high, winter lasting a ridiculous 5 months that started with snow and ended with snow. In a matter of two weeks the snow melted and green grass sprouts. The tulips are in full bloom. The colors are amazing. It is said this is a country of extremes...and it is! From the weather to the people, the spectrum is alive. On days like today it makes it worth living here. According to The Weather Channel iPad app, the high today is 71 deg Fahrenheit. The sky is blue,not a cloud, with a gentle wind tickling your ear. It is gorgeous! I see vitamin D in my future!

The Mr has been gone all week. The first time since September he has traveled. A lot has happened since then. A new place, new people, strange noises, attempting to find my way whether it be meeting new friends or finding the supermarket. This time, I have it! I am not new anymore. I know where things are. i have friends, a support system. There is a comfort in being settled.


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